I am gangster.
I am gangster.

i am gangster.

However, a gang may also be a larger group with a formal organization that survives the death of its leader. Ī gang may be a relatively small group of people who cooperate in criminal acts, as with the Jesse James gang, which ended with the leader's death in 1882. For example, the common view that illegal drug distribution in the United States is largely controlled by gangs has been questioned. There is agreement that the members of a gang have a sense of common identity and belonging and this is typically reinforced through shared activities and through visual identifications such as special clothing, tattoos or rings. Much has been written on the subject of gangs, although there is no clear consensus about what constitutes a gang or what situations lead to gang formation and evolution. In modern usage, the term " gang" is generally used for a criminal organization and the term "gangster" invariably describes a criminal. Liberals with your unrealistic thinking and you republicans with your asshole teachings.Yakuza or Japanese mafia, are not allowed to show their tattoos in public except during the Sanja Matsuri festival. Maybe I am just tired of bitching and moaning. I don't like teachers that try to be parents either, like a teachers job should be to teach and to help people not tell them what to do. They're are the hella stupid ones "Jensen." Who just talk and talk and talk, Like seriously i learned more in mello's class than that class. Teachers laugh at this but shit it's true, acting like all teachers are honest is a load of shit. Because some teachers do hate students and give them bad grades. Not saying that all teachers are innocent. Look if you don't want to work then don't just don't blamd the teacher when you get the shitty grade. People act like they are forced to do something so they blame it on the teacher. AP language is hard to do so think about how hard it is to teach it especially with stupid ass kids who bitch over everything. But she does give these ridiculous ass assignments that serve no point. The whole part of the story is never told so I ain't gonna believe the crap that comes out of someones mouth. Ok i really can't see why people hate mello so much. But IDC it's not me it s them so yeah whatever whaever I do what i want. SOme people did it the day before and got bad or good scores. Well I put my whole sunday into mine so yeah. IT's just how well it's written and how much time was put into it. I got a 94 for a 3 page essay over someone who got the same score as me with and 8 page essay. An A in ENgglish would be amazing to me because english pisses me off that I usually don't get an A but a b + and that is totally stupid. When I do I am going to be so happy because that is totally legit. S which reminds me that I need to do the proof that's is like 2 pages long so I can get an a in here class. Like it's the class I do everything in but still nothing.

i am gangster.

So I do everything in the class and I still have a B. But there is one grade that I don't know why i have that grade in the class.

i am gangster.

So, as the year progresses my grades usually lower in the 2nd semester and I know why.

I am gangster.